Hardee Family Odyssey: Home a Week

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Home a Week

I've always felt annoyance when the adoption blogs I am reading stop when they get home: well now I understand. Life happens and suddenly you are caught up in this new little person . . . we are, however, MOST THANKFUL for your prayer& support so will do our best to keep you updated. :) We still need those prayers: one journey ended as another journey began. SongLian is doing amazingly well. Music! Have I mentioned that she is ALWAYS singing? And that she can pick up a tune quickly (caught her humming a song from the Christmas recital after I was listening to it). We've been singing Away in a Manger with her (dance) and she can sing the tune perfectly (the words not so much). She joined in with her age dance class with help last week and was all smiles. It was pretty sweet as the rest of the class held hands too (to be like SongLian). Words! In the last 2 days she has begun to mimic our words and use a few while at home. Josiah has been diligently teaching her to count in English and has got her up to 20 now. :) We also hear a lot Chinese commentary. Independence! She is becoming more comfortable here and we are seeing that independence come out again. Sometimes I tear up as I watch her go to the bathroom on her own (she tells me when she wants to do it by herself pretty clearly!)--it is quite the task. Determined. She's taken to asking us for help a lot more--again I see it is a part of the process (we will take care of you). This morning she happily played (on her own) in the play kitchen for quite sometime. She also like to dress and undress her doll and has spent time the last few days doing so on her own. Siblings! SongLian LOVES her brothers and sister. She can say their names and loves to call for them and demand them to do something. :) It has been fun to watch each of them figure out their relationships with each other. They were playing Play-mobiles the other day and SongLian filled her house with rows of children. They are all happily playing legos together now. The first night we were home SongLian snuggled into bed with her big sister with a giant smile on her face--SO happy with that sister of hers. Dog! While we are seeing progress, the dog (and cats) have been a frightening part of SongLian's new world. She is terrified of them but learning that they are ok. :) And sometimes she will scream, smile, and scream when she sees the dog--um, yeah smart cookie: she knows how to get attention. :) Really, again I commend this little gal for her bravery. She was well prepared for the incoming of her family and we are so thankful. We have our tough moments and she has a big time of grieving about once a day. The other 3 are working through the adjustments as well. However, all in all I marvel in a God who fits families together.

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